Coopérative de travailleurs d'ambulance de l'Estrie (CTAE)
Converting an ambulance service into a co-operative*
The conversion case of the Coopérative de travailleurs d’Ambulance de l’Estrie (CTAE) is intended to examine the process of transforming an ambulance company into a co-operative, as part of the co-operative conversion movement of ambulance services throughout Quebec. More specifically, this case demonstrates the importance of conversion methods in the success of the co-operative project. Beyond the sale of the sole proprietorship business to its workers, it showcases the originality of the process leading to the creation of a worker shareholder co-operative (WSC) as a transitional step towards the finished form, i.e., the Coopérative de travailleurs d’Ambulance de l’Estrie (Worker Co-operative of Eastern Townships Ambulance).
*Case study research and writing by Vincent G. Proulx, Claude-André Guillotte, and Étienne Fouquet (2021)