Tyler Dilnot is a doctoral candidate in the graduate program in Social and Political Thought at York University in Toronto, Canada. He completed an undergraduate degree in Political Science and Philosophy, graduating with distinction in 2012 and in 2019 he completed his graduate studies with a Masters degree in Education in the Program in Adult Education and Community Development, with a specialization in Workplace Learning for Social Change at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education of the University of Toronto. Tyler is interested in popular education, workplace democracy, worker self-management and continues to be interested in political philosophy and existentialism. In the Fall of 2018, Tyler travelled throughout Northern and Central Italy studying the Social Economy through a visiting study programme with St.Mary's University, Halifax. In the Summer of 2019, Tyler travelled Argentina, Brazil, and Chile to see first-hand the ongoing processes of autogestión, or worker self-determination, nestled in popular social movements throughout these three countries. Tyler sees these radical workers' movements as potentially transformative for their communities, workers and workplaces themselves. Tyler is passionate about reading, travelling and sustainable development. He has travelled to over 30 countries on 5 continents and has planted over 1,000,000 trees by hand.